Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts



  1. Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts Beaches
  2. Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts Town Hall
Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts

Earliest Settlers

Dating site city in provincetown massachusetts real estateProvincetown

Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts Beaches

Feb 15, 2021 Other collections of interest were that of Carl and Mary Breyer of West Springfield, Massachusetts, and a Provincetown estate that included a selection of art by Maurice Sendak. When The Cabbage Patch, Bermuda by Edwin Ambrose Webster (1869-1935), a 34' x 24½' (sight size) oil on canvas, sold at Eldred’s in 2009, it was unsigned and in its. We care about our visitors and community and the Town is taking precautions as recommended by the World Health Organization and CDC. For information on Covid-19 and Governor Baker’s updated order for those traveling to Massachusetts, please visit the Provincetown Health Department and Emergency Management page on the Town of Provincetown official website.

On September 16, 1620, a group of Puritan Separatists (better known as “Pilgrims”) set sail from Plymouth, England aboard the Mayflower. These settlers spotted land off of Cape Cod on November 9 and began to make way for their destination. Shallow shoals near Nantucket made it virtually impossible for the Mayflower to advance. She was forced to turn around and finally dropped anchor off of present-day Provincetown, Massachusetts on November 21, 1620. The Pilgrims created a new home for themselves, suffering through the cold New England winters, but eventually thriving and creating a strong community.

Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts

Dating Site City In Provincetown Massachusetts Town Hall

A mere decade later another group of Puritan colonists, led by John Winthrop, arrived in North America. They first landed in Salem in June of 1630, but continued down the coast in search of clean, fresh water. The Shawmut Peninsula became their eventual home, as the town of Boston was officially founded in September of 1630. The Puritans came upon the lone resident of the Shawmut Peninsula, Reverend William Blackstone – an Anglican Priest who had left England in 1623 on a quest to find peace and quiet. He welcomed the Puritans onto “his land,” sharing the location of the fresh water spring. For his generosity, the Puritans granted him 50 acres of his own land, which he sold back to them 4 years later. Blackstone decided to leave Boston for present-day Cumberland, Rhode Island , saying, “I left England on account of the bishops, and I leave Boston on account of the brethren.”