Eagan Executive Matchmaking



  1. Eagan Executive Matchmaking Center
  2. Eagan Executive Matchmaking Service
  3. Eagan Executive Matchmaking Services
A diverse group of six researchers examined in real-time how Juneau is responding to the unprecedented impacts of COVID-19. The study provides insights into this vast challenge by analyzing Juneau’s economy, healthcare system, the impact on Indigenous people, and governance. More than 60 in-depth interviews with Juneau’s private sector and public-policy leaders, as well as responses from public opinion surveys, provide core data for this effort. Preliminary results show that Juneau’s early governmental actions coupled with community and individual behaviors have (relative to other communities) slowed transmission rates. Individual acts of leadership, effective communications, and community cohesion sketch a picture of Juneau’s resilience and sustainability.

Eagan Executive Matchmaking Center

Meagan Good knew, way before she even dated Devon Franklin, that he would be her husband. God told her so. While visiting the Tamron Hall Show, the couple talked about their road to the altar. Can an individual be insane yet have the intelligence and the executive function needed to meticulously plan and execute a mass killing? Jury selection began recently for the murder trial of James.

Presenters:Eagan executive matchmaking centerExecutive

Eagan Executive Matchmaking Service

Eagan Executive Matchmaking Services

  • Jim Powell, PhD. Assistant Research Professor, Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center, UAS
  • Robert Orttung, PhD, Research Professor, George Washington University
  • Joseph Little, PhD, Economics Professor, UAF
  • Hana Akselrod, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases, George Washington University
  • Sean Topkok, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Education, UAF
  • Peggy Wilcox, Graduate Research Assistant, MPA Program, UAS